Rurouni Kenshin Slashes His Way to the Silver Screen

Silver Screen Adaptations

When you think of classic Manga, there are few that can wisthand the test of time. With each incarnation, chances are you tend to lose some of the original magic that made it truly special.

The recent trend of comic to movie adaptaions have really been hit and miss with the western counterparts having more of the hits. However it is fair to say that it’s Hollywood that’s responsible for the anime adaptaion misses as well. Dragonball, arguably the most famous manga of all time, has seen several anime incarnations, video games and of course there was that truly horrible live action movie which killed it for me.

One of the worst movies I’ve ever seen….

And of course, also in recent times the was M. Night Shyamalan’s take on the Last Airbender. I sinply loved the series but HATED the movie. Of course to make matters worse, I happened to see it in a cinema that had crappy audio and a screen that was just too high for comfortable viewing. However, no amount of comfy seats could have saved the show for me.

The Last Airbender was simply full of hot air and not much else

Enter the Battōsai


Warner Bros. brings Kenshin to life by keeping it Japanese. No ‘Western’ actors playing the role of Kenshin and simply destroying the franchise – an Asian Peter Parker wouldn’t be the same now would it?

Without giving away too much, I really enjoyed watching the show. Bear in mind it more or less incorporates the first 20 episodes of the Anime and it’s written pretty well. Kenshin’s ‘High Heaven’ style comes off pretty well too.

The fight sequences are nicely choreographed and while it does not have many comic moments, there is one ‘Sanosuke’ scene which can’t help but amuse you.

Bottom line, if you’re an ultra-purist STAY AWAY from this and almost any other book-screen adaptation. Even LOTR wasn’t totally true to the books and that was 4hrs a movie.

But I feel that the characters do come through, even young Yahiko, and is a good watch for both fans and those who’ve never seen the anime or manga alike.

It seems to be a Filmgarde exclusive in Singapore – I caught it at Bugis+ – so do try to catch it before it’s gone. For me, I’m going to order the BlueRay for sure.

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